Zip Code:

60195, Schaumburg, IL

60195 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Schaumburg and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 5,020.

The Real Estate Market in the 60195 Zip Code of Schaumburg, IL

The 60195 zip code of Schaumburg, IL has a median home value of $225,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. The 60195 zip code has a population of about 54,000 people and there are about 2,500 homes in the zip code. The average home size in the 60195 zip code is about 2,800 square feet and the average price per square foot is about $135.

There are a lot of factors that affect home prices in the 60195 zip code. Some of these factors include: the amount of available inventory, interest rates, local economic conditions (including job growth), and whether or not there have been any recent changes to zoning laws or regulations. Generally speaking, prices in the 60195 zip code tend to be higher than prices in other parts of Illinois or the United States.

Despite being located in one of Illinois' more expensive areas, homeownership rates in the 60195 zip code are relatively high compared to other parts of Illinois. This may be due to several factors including: low levels of unemployment (5% versus 6%), strong job growth over recent years (particularly within healthcare), and relatively low levels of foreclosure activity (compared to other parts of Illinois). In addition, many homeowners in the 60195 zip code have taken advantage of low interest rates by refinancing their mortgages multiple times over the past few years.

Overall, it seems that homeownership rates and home values in the 60195 zipcode are stable or growing modestly despite high levels of demand from buyers and limited availability for homes on the market. This suggests that there is strong demand for housing within this area – which should continue to support prices over time.

Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR

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