Zip Code:

60301, Oak Park, IL

60301 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Oak Park and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 2,831.

Oak Park Real Estate: The Best Places to Live

The Oak Park, IL 60301 zip code has a median home value of $224,000 and a median home equity of $141,000. The Oak Park, IL 60301 zip code has a low home ownership rate of 36.1%, which is lower than the Illinois average of 41%. The Oak Park, IL 60301 zip code also has a high percentage of owner-occupied homes (69.4%), which is higher than the Illinois average of 62%.

The Oak Park, IL 60301 zip code has a low percentage of renters (24.8%), which is lower than the Illinois average of 27%. The Oak Park, IL 60301 zip code also has a high percentage of owner-occupied homes (69.4%), which is higher than the Illinois average of 62%. This indicates that there are more homeowners in the 60301 zip code who are able to afford to pay their mortgage and rent on their property at the same time. This may be due to low interest rates or limited availability of rental properties in the area.

Overall, it appears that homeowners in the 60301 zip code are doing well financially compared to other residents in Illinois. Homeowners in this area may be able to afford larger mortgages and live in more stable neighborhoods because there are so many owner-occupied homes available.

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