Zip Code:

60426, Harvey, IL

60426 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Harvey and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 28,683.

The Real Estate Market in the 60426 Zip Code of Harvey, IL

The home equity and home prices in the 60426 zip code of Harvey, IL are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. The average home value in this zip code is $151,000, which is lower than the Illinois average of $174,500. However, this does not mean that there are not opportunities for homeowners in this area to make significant gains on their homes.

There are a number of factors that can affect home values in any given area, including interest rates, local economic conditions and demographics. In Harvey, IL, there is strong demand for housing due to its close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Chicago and St Louis. Additionally, Harvey has seen an influx of new residents due to its many job opportunities within the medical industry. As a result of these factors, home values have increased over the past few years by an average of 5%.

If you are interested in purchasing a home in Harvey or any other area within Illinois, it is important to consult with a qualified real estate agent who can provide you with accurate information about current market conditions.

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