Zip Code:

60482, Worth, IL

60482 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Worth and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 10,849.

The Real Estate Market in the 60482 Zip Code of Worth, IL

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 60482 Zip Code of Worth, IL

The home equity and home prices in the 60482 zip code of Worth, IL are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $345,000. This is a much higher median home value than the national average of $217,500. The reason for this high home value is likely due to the many affluent residents in this zip code. Additionally, there are a number of expensive homes available for sale in this zip code. As a result, it may be difficult for potential buyers to find a suitable home that fits their budget.

Despite the high price tags associated with homes in the 60482 zip code, it appears that many homeowners here are able to maintain their homes through careful financial planning and management. In fact, according to Zillow’s 2018 Home Value report, homeownership rates in this area are above average when compared to other U.S. ZIP codes. This suggests that there may be some room for appreciation in the market over time if current trends continue.

Overall, it seems that homeownership rates and home values within the 60482 zip code are quite high relative to other areas of Worth County and Illinois as a whole. However, given current market conditions it may be difficult for buyers who do not have ample funds available to purchase a property here at present or in the future

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