Zip Code:

60585, Plainfield, IL

60585 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Plainfield and the county of Will County. Its population is roughly 23,875.

Real Estate in Plainfield, IL

The home equity and home prices in the 60585 zip code of Plainfield, IL are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. Over the past year, home values have increased by 2.5%, which is slightly slower than the national average of 2.8%. However, when compared to other zip codes within Illinois, Plainfield's rate of growth is above average. This could be attributed to a number of factors including strong job growth and low interest rates.

When looking at specific neighborhoods within Plainfield, it is evident that there is a wide range in home values and equity levels. In some cases, homes are worth well over $1 million while others are worth considerably less. While this variability can be somewhat confusing for buyers and sellers, it can also provide some stability during tough market conditions.

Overall, the 60585 zip code appears to be doing well economically with modest growth rates across all sectors of the market. If you're looking for a place to call home in Plainfield or surrounding areas, it would behoove you to research your options thoroughly before making an offer on a property.

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