Zip Code:

60586, Plainfield, IL

60586 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Plainfield and the county of Will County. Its population is roughly 47,495.

The Real Estate Market in Plainfield, IL

There are many factors that affect home prices, including the availability of homes for sale, interest rates, and local economic conditions. In Plainfield, IL, the average home price was $137,500 in January 2019. This is up from $132,000 in January 2018. The median home price in Plainfield was $128,000 in January 2019. This is up from $122,000 in January 2018.

The average mortgage rate for a 30-year fixed-rate loan was 3.94% in January 2019. This is down from 4.14% in January 2018 but remains above the national average of 3.31%. The average interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate loan was 2.92% in January 2019 and 1.99% for a 5/1 ARM loan (a type of adjustable-rate mortgage). These rates are below the national averages of 3.95% and 4.29%, respectively.

The number of homes available for sale has been increasing over the past year or so while the number of homes being sold has remained relatively stable or decreased slightly since 2017 due to strong demand from buyers who are willing to pay more than previously available homes were selling for."

Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR

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