Zip Code:
60625 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Chicago and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 79,444.
The 60625 zip code of Chicago, IL has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $143,000. The average home in this zip code was built in 1954 and is about 1,890 square feet. This means that the typical homeowner in this zip code has about 5 years worth of mortgage payments left on their current home. Additionally, the average homeowner in this zip code has about $100,000 remaining on their mortgage.
As you can see from these numbers, homeowners in the 60625 zip code have a lot of equity in their homes. This equity allows them to borrow against their homes at relatively low interest rates and make significant improvements to their homes without having to worry about losing all of their money if they were to lose their jobs or if the market crashed.
This level of equity is also important for another reason: it gives homeowners confidence that they can weather any financial storm that might come their way. If they know that they have enough money saved up to cover any unexpected expenses or repairs, homeowners are much more likely to feel comfortable making big decisions like buying a new car or taking out a large loan for an expensive project like renovating their house.
Overall, it is clear that homeowners in the 60625 zip code are very well-off relative to most people in the United States. They have plenty of money saved up so that they can weather any financial challenges that might come up and they also have a lot of security and peace of mind knowing that they will be able to keep living in their homes even if something bad happens outside the scope of what is typically covered by insurance policies.
Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
60618 | 94,907 | 7,332.8 | America/Chicago | 41.94700 | -87.70244 | Chicago | Cook County | Illinois |
60640 | 69,363 | 11,102.5 | America/Chicago | 41.97237 | -87.66347 | Chicago | Cook County | Illinois |
60660 | 44,498 | 13,319.4 | America/Chicago | 41.99111 | -87.66605 | Chicago | Cook County | Illinois |
60659 | 42,735 | 8,138.3 | America/Chicago | 41.99108 | -87.70416 | Chicago | Cook County | Illinois |