Zip Code:

61012, Capron, IL

61012 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Capron and the county of Boone County. Its population is roughly 2,496.

The Real Estate Market in the 61012 Zip Code of Capron, IL.

Capron, Illinois is located in the 61012 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Capron has a population of 4,814 people. The median household income in Capron is $60,000 which is lower than the Illinois median household income of $70,000. The unemployment rate in Capron is 7.5% which is higher than the Illinois unemployment rate of 6.7%.

The average home price in Capron was $119,500 as of September 2013. This represents a decrease from the previous year when the average home price was $130,000. The decrease in home prices may be due to a number of factors including decreased demand and increased inventory levels. In addition, interest rates have been decreasing over time which may also contribute to decreased home prices.

Despite these decreases, there are still a number of homes available for purchase in Capron and prices are still relatively high when compared to other areas within Illinois. It should be noted that while home prices have decreased recently they are still much higher than they were five or ten years ago and it may take some time for them to reach their pre-recession levels

Price Index: Rockford, IL

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