Zip Code:

61084, Stillman Valley, IL

61084 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Stillman Valley and the county of Ogle County. Its population is roughly 3,061.

The Real Estate Market in the 61084 Zip Code of Stillman Valley, IL

The 61084 zip code of Stillman Valley, IL has a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just under $60,000, and the median home value is just over $230,000. This means that the home equity and home prices in this area are both quite high.

One reason that the home equity and home prices in the 61084 zip code are so high is that there are a lot of wealthy people living in this area. There are also a lot of affluent families who have children attending private schools. This means that there is a lot of demand for homes in this area, and developers are able to charge high prices for them because there is so much competition for them.

Another reason why the home equity and home prices in the 61084 zip code are so high is that there is a lot of demand for housing here. There are many affluent families who want to live close to their jobs, and they aren't willing to live anywhere else in Illinois because of all the good schools available here. Additionally, many people who work in downtown Chicago or other major cities want to move out into suburban areas where they can have more space and less traffic congestion. So, even though there may be fewer homes available for sale than there were five or ten years ago, the demand still remains high enough that developers can still charge very high prices for them.

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