Zip Code:

61350, Ottawa, IL

61350 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Ottawa and the county of LaSalle County. Its population is roughly 24,182.

The Real Estate Market in the 61350 Zip Code of Ottawa, IL

The 61350 zip code of Ottawa, IL has a median home value of $164,000 and a median home equity of $102,000. The city has a population of approximately 33,000 people and is located in the south-central region of Illinois.

The Ottawa area has seen strong growth over the past several years as more and more people are moving into the area due to its low cost of living and excellent schools. This growth has led to increased demand for housing which in turn has driven up prices in the area.

According to Zillow, the average price per square foot for homes in the 61350 zip code is $123 which is significantly higher than the Illinois average of $87. This high demand has caused prices to continue to rise even though there are still plenty of homes available for sale. In fact, according to Trulia, there are currently 97 homes listed for sale in the 61350 zip code and only 54% of them have been sold so far.

Despite these high prices, many people are still able to afford homes in the Ottawa area thanks to their home equity. According to Zillow, 68% of households in the 61350 zip code have at least some equity in their homes which is much higher than the Illinois average of 44%. This means that even if prices continue to rise (which they likely will), most homeowners will be able to maintain their current lifestyle without having too much difficulty.

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