Zip Code:

61540, Lacon, IL

61540 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Lacon and the county of Marshall County. Its population is roughly 2,680.

The Real Estate Market in the 61540 Zip Code of Lacon, IL

The 61540 zip code of Lacon, Illinois is located in the northwest corner of the state. According to the 2010 census, the population of this zip code was 2,711. The median household income in this zip code was $60,822, which is significantly higher than the Illinois median household income of $51,046. The home equity and home prices in this zip code are both very high.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index for ZIP Codes within 100 miles of Chicago (ZIP Code 61540 included), the median home value in this zip code was $269,000 as of September 30th, 2018. This is significantly higher than the Illinois median home value of $174,500 and ranks sixth highest out of all ZIP Codes within 100 miles of Chicago. Additionally, Zillow’s Home Value Index shows that there were a total of 927 homes sold in this zip code during 2018 which resulted in an average home sale price per square foot of $239 which is also significantly higher than the Illinois average home sale price per square foot ($148). Therefore it can be seen that both the home equity and home prices in this particular ZIP Code are very high.

Price Index: Peoria, IL

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