Zip Code:

61834, Danville, IL

61834 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Danville and the county of Vermilion County. Its population is roughly 8,625.

The Real Estate Market in the 61834 Zip Code of Danville, IL

The Danville, IL 61834 zip code has a median home value of $141,000 and a median home equity of $92,000. This is significantly lower than the Illinois median home value of $217,500 and the national median home equity of $142,700. There are several factors that may contribute to these low values in the Danville zip code. First, there is a high concentration of homes that are over 50 years old which may be less valuable due to wear and tear. Additionally, there is a large percentage of single-family homes in this zip code which may also make them less valuable due to limited potential for growth. Finally, the Danville area has seen significant population decline over the past few years which could also be contributing to lower home values.

Price Index: Danville, IL

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