Zip Code:

61910, Arcola, IL

61910 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Arcola and the county of Douglas. Its population is roughly 4,477.

The Real Estate Market in the 61910 Zip Code of Arcola, Illinois

There are a total of 1,898 homes for sale in the 61910 zip code of Arcola, IL. Of these homes, there are 1,724 single-family homes and 158 condos. The median home price in the 61910 zip code is $128,000. The median condo price is $101,000.

The average home value in the 61910 zip code has increased by 7% over the past year. This growth is likely due to increasing demand for housing in Arcola and surrounding areas. In addition, interest rates have remained relatively stable over this time period which has helped to increase home values.

As of September 2017 there were 8 active listings in the 61910 zip code and an average list price of $149,500. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing in this area.

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