Zip Code:
62216 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Aviston and the county of Clinton County. Its population is roughly 2,736.
The 62216 zip code of Aviston, Illinois is located in the northwest corner of the state and includes a population of just over 2,000. The median household income in this area is just over $50,000, which is well below the statewide median income of $60,000. The average home value in this zip code is just over $130,000, which is significantly higher than the statewide average home value of $116,500.
Despite these high home values and incomes, homeownership rates in the 62216 zip code are relatively low. Just over 50% of households in this area own their homes outright while another 17% are owned through a mortgage. This compares to a homeownership rate of 69% statewide and an overall homeownership rate of 66%. Additionally, there are a large number of vacant homes in the 62216 zip code – nearly 20% – which may be indicative of weak demand for housing units or potential problems with the economy that could impact home values.
Despite these challenges though, there are some positive indicators for homeownership rates in the 62216 zip code. For one thing, more than half (54%)of households here have at least one vehicle available for use inside their home – compared to only 38%of households statewide who have at least one vehicle available for use inside their home. Additionally, nearly two-thirds (64%)of households here have access to broadband internet service – compared to only 54%of households statewide who have access to broadband internet service. These data points suggest that despite high housing prices and low ownership rates within the 62216 zip code area there may still be opportunities for those looking to purchase or rent a home here.
Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
62230 | 6,308 | 48.8 | America/Chicago | 38.64037 | -89.52681 | Breese | Clinton County | Illinois |
62293 | 4,437 | 28.8 | America/Chicago | 38.61897 | -89.69751 | Trenton | Clinton County | Illinois |
62215 | 2,103 | 76.1 | America/Chicago | 38.50940 | -89.60732 | Albers | Clinton County | Illinois |
62245 | 1,795 | 32.3 | America/Chicago | 38.54881 | -89.56793 | Germantown | Clinton County | Illinois |