Zip Code:

62231, Carlyle, IL

62231 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Carlyle and the county of Clinton County. Its population is roughly 7,313.

The Real Estate Market in the 62231 Zip Code of Carlyle, IL

The Carlyle, Illinois 62231 zip code has a population of approximately 9,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $86,000 and the median home value is $217,500. The average home equity in this zip code is $161,700.

There are a total of 1,872 homes for sale in the Carlyle, Illinois 62231 zip code. There are an average of 191 homes for sale per month and the average list price is $269,900. The median days on market for homes for sale is 47 days and the median price per square foot is $128.

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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Buy & Sell Shares of Homes in 62231, Carlyle, IL

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