Zip Code:
62347 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Liberty and the county of Adams County. Its population is roughly 1,992.
Liberty, Illinois is located in the 62347 zip code. Liberty has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in Liberty is $60,000 which is lower than the national median household income of $59,039. The unemployment rate in Liberty is 3.8%.
The average home price in Liberty is $135,000 which is lower than the national average home price of $217,500. The percentage of homes that are owned by individuals and families is 67% which is higher than the national percentage of 55%. The percentage of homes that are rented is 33% which is lower than the national percentage of 37%.
The average commute time to work in Liberty is 26 minutes which is lower than the national average commute time of 29 minutes. The percentage of workers who have a bachelor's degree or higher education level is 38% which is higher than the national percentage of 31%.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
62320 | 2,494 | 11.1 | America/Chicago | 40.02073 | -91.08045 | Camp Point | Adams County | Illinois |
62360 | 1,651 | 17.8 | America/Chicago | 39.81630 | -91.26344 | Payson | Adams County | Illinois |
62338 | 1,401 | 14.8 | America/Chicago | 39.99139 | -91.23959 | Fowler | Adams County | Illinois |
62365 | 477 | 6.6 | America/Chicago | 39.79639 | -91.15940 | Plainville | Adams County | Illinois |