Zip Code:

62466, Sumner, IL

62466 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Sumner and the county of Lawrence. Its population is roughly 4,605.

The Real Estate Market in the Sumner, IL 62466 Zip Code

The Sumner zip code 62466 has a population of approximately 11,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $64,000 which is significantly higher than the Illinois median household income of $53,046. Additionally, the homeownership rate in this zip code is 68% which is significantly higher than the Illinois homeownership rate of 63%. This indicates that there are a significant number of households in this zip code that are able to afford to purchase and maintain a home.

When looking at home prices in the Sumner zip code 62466, it is evident that there has been an increase in home values over the past few years. In January of 2018, the median home value was $187,500 which represents an increase of 12% from January 2017. Similarly, during the same period last year there was an increase of 16% in the average price per square foot for homes within this zip code. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes within this area and that buyers are able to obtain properties at a high price point.

While it may be true that there has been an increase in home values within the Sumner zip code 62466 over recent years, it should be noted that these values are still below those seen during peak housing market conditions. It should also be noted that while prices have increased over time, they remain relatively affordable when compared to other areas within Illinois and nationwide. Therefore, while it may be tempting for some buyers to wait until prices reach closer to their peak levels before making a purchase decision, doing so may not be prudent given current market conditions.

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