Zip Code:

62557, Pana, IL

62557 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Pana and the county of Christian County. Its population is roughly 7,127.

The Real Estate Market in the 62557 Zip Code of Pana, IL

The 62557 zip code of Pana, Illinois has a population of around 2,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $51,500, and the median home value is $146,000. This means that the home equity in this area is relatively high.

One reason that the home equity in this area is high is because there are a lot of people who own their homes outright. In fact, almost half of all households in this zip code are owner-occupied. This means that these homeowners have more control over their finances and can use their home equity to finance other investments or expenses.

Another reason that the home equity in this area is high is because there are a lot of homes that are worth a lot more than what most people pay for them. For example, the median price paid for a house in this zip code was $146,000 back in 2017. However, if you look at the average mortgage payment for houses in this same zip code (which was $1,711 back then), it's easy to see why many homeowners have plenty of leftover money after they've paid off their mortgage.

Overall, it's clear that the home equity in the 62557 zip code of Pana is high and stable - which makes it an attractive place to live and invest.

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