Zip Code:

62707, Springfield, IL

62707 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Springfield and the county of Sangamon County. Its population is roughly 7,097.

The Springfield, IL Real Estate Market

The Springfield, Illinois 62707 zip code has a population of around 149,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $60,000, and the median home value is $146,500. The home equity in the zip code is around $128,000.

There are a lot of factors that go into determining home equity. Some of these factors include the current market conditions, how much money you have saved up for a down payment on a house, your credit score, and how long you plan to live in your house.

In general, homes in Springfield are worth more than homes in other parts of Illinois. This may be due to the fact that Springfield has a higher median income and home values than other parts of Illinois. Additionally, Springfield has been experiencing an uptick in housing prices recently which may also contribute to this trend.

Price Index: Springfield, IL

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