Zip Code:

62830, Dix, IL

62830 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Dix and the county of Jefferson County. Its population is roughly 1,229.

The Real Estate Market in the 62830 Zip Code of Dix, IL

The Dix, Illinois 62830 zip code has a population of about 10,000 people. The median household income in the 62830 zip code is about $60,000. The average home value in the 62830 zip code is about $174,000.

The Dix, Illinois 62830 zip code has a high home equity rate compared to other zip codes in Illinois. In the 62830 zip code, the home equity rate is about 12%. This means that homes in the 62830 zip code have a greater percentage of their value invested in their own equity than homes in other ZIP codes in Illinois. This higher home equity rate may be due to several factors including lower crime rates and lower housing costs relative to other areas of Illinois.

Home prices in the Dix, Illinois 62830 zip code have been increasing over the past few years. The average home price increased by about 8% from 2013 to 2014 and by about 7% from 2014 to 2015. There are indications that prices may continue to increase over the next few years as well.

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