Zip Code:

62853, Kell, IL

62853 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Kell and the county of Marion County. Its population is roughly 894.

The Real Estate Market in the 62853 Zip Code of Kell, IL

There is no doubt that home equity is a valuable asset. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in the Kell zip code is $137,000. That's a lot of money! And it's not just any old zip code - this one has seen some pretty impressive growth over the past few years.

So what's driving all this growth? There are a few things at work here. For one, there are plenty of people in the Kell zip code who are doing well financially. They're able to afford to buy and/or upgrade homes, and they're also willing to put down a decent chunk of money when they do so.

Another factor contributing to Kell's high home values is the scarcity of available properties. This means that there are relatively few homes for sale (and thus, more demand), which in turn drives up prices. Finally, Kell is located in an area that continues to see strong economic growth - which means more jobs and higher incomes overall. All of these factors together have led to big gains for homeowners in the Kell zip code over the past few years.

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