Zip Code:

62868, Noble, IL

62868 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Noble and the county of Richland. Its population is roughly 1,986.

The Real Estate Market in Noble, IL

Noble, Illinois is located in Cook County and has a population of approximately 10,000. The median household income in Noble is $92,000 and the median home value is $269,000. The 62868 zip code has a homeownership rate of 69% and a vacancy rate of 2%.

There are a total of 1,924 homes in the 62868 zip code. The average home size is 2,847 square feet and the average price per square foot is $127. The average price per acre is $1,539. There are 1,711 single family homes and 242 multi-family units in the 62868 zip code.

The majority (88%) of homes in the 62868 zip code were built between 1990 and 1999. The most popular type of home built in the 62868 zip code is single family detached homes (69%). There are also a significant number of townhouses (14%) and apartments (10%) built in this period.

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