Zip Code:
62882 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Sandoval and the county of Marion County. Its population is roughly 2,437.
There is no doubt that the housing market in the 62882 zip code of Sandoval, IL is on the rise. Home values have increased significantly in recent years, and there are many reasons for this. One reason is that the area has a lot of desirable features, such as a great school system and low crime rates. Additionally, there are many new homes being built in this area, which helps to keep prices high.
One thing to keep in mind is that home equity can be a valuable asset. If you have enough equity in your home, you may be able to use it to pay off debt or invest in other assets. It's important to understand how home equity works before making any decisions about using it wisely.
Overall, the housing market in the 62882 zip code of Sandoval, IL looks very strong and should continue to grow over time. If you're looking for a place to live, now may be a good time to consider this area!
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
62801 | 21,185 | 59.9 | America/Chicago | 38.51276 | -89.14165 | Centralia | Marion County | Illinois |
62881 | 10,700 | 41.1 | America/Chicago | 38.63515 | -88.92854 | Salem | Marion County | Illinois |
62870 | 2,211 | 21.9 | America/Chicago | 38.63495 | -89.05107 | Odin | Marion County | Illinois |
62250 | 468 | 475.1 | America/Chicago | 38.54083 | -89.26600 | Hoffman | Clinton County | Illinois |