Zip Code:
62957 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of McClure and the county of Alexander County. Its population is roughly 867.
The McClure, Illinois 62957 zip code has a median home value of $137,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. This is significantly lower than the national median home value of $217,500 and the Illinois median home equity of $146,200. The McClure zip code also has a significantly lower homeownership rate than both the national homeownership rate of 63.1% and the Illinois homeownership rate of 68.9%.
There are several factors that may contribute to the low home values in the McClure zip code. First, there is a high percentage of single-family homes in this zip code which may make it less desirable for buyers or renters. Second, there is a high concentration of rental units in this zip code which may make it difficult for buyers to find affordable housing options. Finally, there is a low number of new homes being built in this zip code which may make it more difficult for buyers to find an affordable property option.
Price Index: Cape Girardeau, MO-IL
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
62990 | 1,036 | 9.3 | America/Chicago | 37.23092 | -89.40643 | Thebes | Alexander County | Illinois |
63701 | 38,672 | 115.5 | America/Chicago | 37.33785 | -89.57681 | Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau County | Missouri |
63703 | 8,382 | 250.9 | America/Chicago | 37.27381 | -89.53995 | Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau County | Missouri |