Zip Code:

63033, Florissant, MO

63033 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Florissant and the county of St. Louis County. Its population is roughly 42,544.

The Real Estate Market in the 63033 Zip Code of Florissant, Missouri

The 63033 zip code of Florissant, MO has a median home value of $164,900. This is higher than the Missouri median home value of $146,500. The 63033 zip code also has a lower than average unemployment rate of 3.5%. This indicates that there are more jobs in the area than people looking for them. Additionally, this zip code has a high percentage of families with children under the age of 18 living at home (68%). This indicates that there may be more opportunity for families in this area.

The average household income in the 63033 zip code is $87,000 which is higher than the Missouri median household income of $60,700. Additionally, this zip code has a lower poverty rate (14%) than the Missouri median poverty rate (20%). This indicates that there may be more opportunity for individuals in this area to improve their financial situation.

The percentage of households in the 63033 zip code that own their homes outright is 66%. This is higher than the Missouri homeownership rate of 63%. Additionally, this percentage represents an increase from 2002 when it was 60%. It seems that there are more homeowners in this area who are able to afford to buy their homes outright.

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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