Zip Code:

63128, Saint Louis, MO

63128 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Saint Louis and the county of St. Louis County. Its population is roughly 30,023.

The Real Estate Market in the 63128 Zip Code of Saint Louis, MO

The 63128 zip code of Saint Louis, MO has a population of about 188,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is about $60,000. The average home value in this zip code is about $160,000.

The 63128 zip code has a median home equity of about $85,000. This means that the typical home owner in this zip code has over $85,000 worth of equity in their home. This amount of equity can provide a significant buffer against economic downturns and allow homeowners to take advantage of opportunities that may arise in the market.

Home prices have increased significantly over the past few years in the 63128 zip code. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index data for Saint Louis County as a whole, the average home value increased by almost 20% from January 2016 to January 2017 alone! This trend appears to be continuing into 2018 as well – according to Zillow’s latest data (as of February 8th), the average home value in Saint Louis County is now up by almost 7% from last year!

This strong growth rate suggests that there are plenty of opportunities for homeowners who are looking to buy or sell homes in the 63128 zip code – and it’s likely that prices will continue to rise over time. If you’re interested in buying or selling a home in this area – or if you just want to know more about what's happening with home values here – we would be happy to help you out!

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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