Zip Code:

63303, Saint Charles, MO

63303 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Saint Charles and the county of St. Charles County. Its population is roughly 48,363.

The Real Estate Market in the 63303 Zip Code of Saint Charles, Missouri

The 63303 zip code of Saint Charles, Missouri has a population of about 113,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is about $86,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years. In March of 2016, the median home price was $161,500. As of September 2017, the median home price was $209,900. This represents an increase of over 50% in just three years!

There are a number of reasons why home prices have increased so much in the 63303 zip code of Saint Charles. First and foremost, there is a strong demand for homes in this area due to its high quality of life and proximity to many major cities. Additionally, there is a limited supply of homes available for sale which has driven up prices even more. Finally, there has been an increase in interest rates over the past few years which has made buying a home more expensive overall.

Despite these factors, it is important to keep in mind that not everyone can afford to purchase a home at these elevated prices. If you are interested in purchasing a home in the 63303 zip code but don't think you can afford it right now, don't worry – there are still plenty of other options available to you! You can look into purchasing a property through foreclosure or through another type of real estate investment such as rental properties or commercial properties.

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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