Zip Code:

63334, Bowling Green, MO

63334 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Bowling Green and the county of Pike. Its population is roughly 8,882.

The Real Estate Market in the 63334 Zip Code of Bowling Green, Missouri

The Bowling Green, Missouri zip code 63334 has a population of approximately 28,000 people. According to the 2010 census, the median household income in this zip code is $60,000. The median home value in this zip code is $158,000.

As of March 2016, there were 10 active listings for homes in the Bowling Green area that were priced at or over $200,000. This indicates that there is a high demand for homes in this area and that prices are likely to continue to increase in the near future. In addition, there are currently no homes listed for sale in this zip code that are priced below $150,000. This suggests that buyers who are looking for properties in this area should expect to pay a higher price than average.

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