Zip Code:

63347, Foley, MO

63347 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Foley and the county of Lincoln County. Its population is roughly 2,508.

Real Estate in the 63347 Zip Code of Foley, Missouri

The 63347 zip code of Foley, Missouri is located in the southwestern corner of the state. The area is mostly rural with a few small towns and villages scattered throughout. The population of the zip code was 10,898 as of the 2010 census.

As of March 2015, there were an estimated 9,919 homes for sale in the 63347 zip code. The median home price in this zip code was $128,000 as of that date. This is significantly lower than the statewide median home price which was $184,500 at that time. In addition, there were an estimated 2,527 homes available for rent in the 63347 zip code as of March 2015. The median monthly rent for a home in this zip code was $814 per month.

There are several factors that may be contributing to the low prices and availability of homes in the 63347 zip code. First and foremost is likely the fact that this area is relatively rural and not well-known by potential buyers or renters outside of its boundaries. Additionally, many homeowners who have lived in this area for many years may be ready to sell their homes now due to changing economic conditions or other reasons. Finally, there has been a recent trend towards smaller living spaces within urban areas which may be less appealing to some buyers or renters when compared to traditional suburban or rural neighborhoods where larger lots are more common.

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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