Zip Code:

63368, O'Fallon, MO

63368 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of O'Fallon and the county of St. Charles County. Its population is roughly 45,668.

The Real Estate Market in the 63368 Zip Code of O'Fallon, Missouri

The home equity and home prices in the 63368 zip code of O'Fallon, MO are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. Over the past five years, home values have increased by an average of 5.4% annually. This is slightly slower than the national average growth rate of 6.1%. However, when compared to other Missouri zip codes, O'Fallon's home values are relatively high. In fact, according to Zillow's recent report on Missouri's "Hot Zip Codes", the 63368 zip code ranks as the fifth most expensive zip code in Missouri.

One factor that may contribute to O'Fallon's high home values is its strong economy. The unemployment rate in this area is currently at 3%, which is much lower than the national unemployment rate of 7%. Additionally, there are a number of businesses located in and around O'Fallon that have been able to attract and retain good employees. As a result, wages are likely higher than they would be elsewhere in Missouri. This may help to explain why house prices have risen faster here than elsewhere in the state over the past few years.

However, despite these positive factors, it is important to keep in mind that no location is immune from economic downturns or changes in market conditions. So while it may be safe to invest money into a house here right now, it would be wise to do so with caution given current market conditions nationwide

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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