Zip Code:

63456, Monroe City, MO

63456 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Monroe City and the county of Monroe. Its population is roughly 4,362.

The Real Estate Market in the 63456 Zip Code of Monroe City, Missouri

The 63456 zip code of Monroe City, MO has a population of around 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $40,000 which is lower than the Missouri median household income of $50,000. The homeownership rate in this zip code is around 65% which is higher than the Missouri homeownership rate of 63%. The percentage of homes that are valued at more than $250,000 is also higher in this zip code than the Missouri percentage of homes that are valued at more than $250,000.

One reason that the homeownership rate in this zip code is higher is because there are a lot more expensive homes available in this area. There are also a lot more expensive home sellers in this area which has led to an increase in home equity and home prices. Home equity and home prices have been increasing steadily over the past few years due to strong economic conditions and low interest rates. It's likely that they will continue to increase for the foreseeable future due to these factors.

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