Zip Code:

63601, Park Hills, MO

63601 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Park Hills and the county of St. Francois County. Its population is roughly 15,624.

The Real Estate Market in Park Hills, Missouri

The Park Hills zip code of 63601 has a population of approximately 21,000 people and an average home value of $137,000. The median home price in the Park Hills zip code is $128,000. The Park Hills zip code has a lower than average unemployment rate of 3.5% and a higher than average income level of $101,600.

The main factors that influence home prices are interest rates, supply and demand. When interest rates are high, it makes it more difficult for buyers to afford homes and for sellers to sell their homes. Additionally, when there is a lot of demand for homes (due to strong economic conditions), prices will rise faster than if there is less demand (due to weak economic conditions). Supply and demand also affects the price of homes by determining how many houses are available for sale in the area. Over time, as more houses come onto the market (due to either new construction or resale), the price of homes will go down because there are now more options available for buyers.

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