Zip Code:

63640, Farmington, MO

63640 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Farmington and the county of St. Francois County. Its population is roughly 29,252.

Real Estate in the 63640 Zip Code of Farmington, MO

Home equity is the difference between what a homeowner owes on their home and the market value of their home. Home prices are the price at which homes are sold in a given area.

In Farmington, MO, home equity and home prices have been on the rise for quite some time now. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in Farmington has increased by more than 50% since 2007! This has led to many homeowners in this zip code having a considerable amount of equity in their homes.

This strong demand for homes in Farmington has driven up both home equity and home prices over the past few years. As a result, many homeowners here can now comfortably afford to buy or sell their homes without too much difficulty. This is especially true if they are able to get access to ample financing options.

Overall, it seems that Farmington residents are very happy with the current state of their housing market. They seem to believe that there is plenty of room for further growth here, which should lead to even more impressive gains in home values over time!

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