Zip Code:

63841, Dexter, MO

63841 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Dexter and the county of Stoddard. Its population is roughly 13,305.

The Real Estate Market in Dexter, Missouri

The Dexter, Missouri 63841 zip code has a population of around 21,000 people and is located in St. Louis County. The median home value in the Dexter zip code is $158,900 which is about 2% higher than the Missouri median home value of $157,600. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied in the Dexter zip code is around 78%, which is about 2% higher than the Missouri homeowner occupancy rate of 75%.

There are a total of 9,824 homes in the Dexter zip code and 4,527 of those homes are occupied. The average size of a home in the Dexter zip code is 1,715 square feet and there are a total of 5,906 residential units in the area. Around 68% of all households in the Dexter zip code have children under 18 living with them which is about 1% lower than the Missouri average household size of 69%. The median age for residents in the Dexter zip code is 36 years old which is about 2 years older than the Missouri median age of 35.

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