Zip Code:

63932, Broseley, MO

63932 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Broseley and the county of Butler County. Its population is roughly 1,000.

The Real Estate Market in the 63932 Zip Code of Broseley, MO

There are a total of 9,868 homes in the 63932 zip code. The average home value is $159,000. The median home value is $137,500. The homeownership rate in the 63932 zip code is 67%. There are a total of 5,908 single family homes and 1,542 multi-family units in the zip code. The average single family home size is 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The average multi-family unit size is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

The median household income in the 63932 zip code is $59,000. The median household income for households with children under 18 years old is $41,500. The median household income for households without children under 18 years old is $37,500.

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