Zip Code:

64469, Maysville, MO

64469 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Maysville and the county of DeKalb County. Its population is roughly 2,212.

The Real Estate Market in the 64469 Zip Code of Maysville, Missouri

The 64469 zip code of Maysville, MO is located in the southwestern corner of Missouri. The zip code has a population of around 14,000 and an average home value of $130,000. The median household income in the zip code is $50,000.

Maysville is a small town that was founded in 1820. It is located on the banks of the Missouri River and has been a center for agriculture and manufacturing since its inception. Today, Maysville is a thriving community that offers residents many amenities and conveniences not found in most rural areas.

Home equity plays an important role in the lives of many Americans. Home equity allows homeowners to borrow against their home's value to finance various expenses or goals, such as purchasing a new home or paying off debts. Over time, homeowners can use their home equity to accumulate wealth or pay down debt.

According to data from Zillow®, as of March 2019, the average home value in the 64469 zip code was $130,000. This represents an increase of 5% over 2018 levels and 12% over 2017 levels. In addition, Zillow reports that as of March 2019 there were 1,711 homes listed for sale in the 64469 zip code – representing an inventory level of 10%. This indicates that demand for homes in this area remains strong despite modest inflationary pressures over recent years (i.e., prices are not increasing at a rate faster than wages).

Given these market conditions – strong demand and limited supply – it is likely that prices will continue to rise within the 64469 zip code over time (assuming no unforeseen economic or political events occur). Based on current trends, it seems likely that by 2025 – just 10 years from now – average home values within this area will exceed $150,000 (assuming no further increases take place).

Price Index: St. Joseph, MO-KS

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