Zip Code:

64628, Brookfield, MO

64628 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Brookfield and the county of Linn. Its population is roughly 5,987.

The Real Estate Market in the 64628 Zip Code of Brookfield, Missouri

Brookfield, Missouri is located in the 64628 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $169,900 and the median household income is $92,000. Approximately 25% of households in this zip code are owner-occupied while the remaining 75% are rented. The average commute to work is 27 minutes.

The Brookfield area has seen a significant increase in home values over the past few years. In January of 2016, the median home value was $152,500 which increased by 8% to reach $169,900 by December of 2017. This represents an annualized growth rate of 5%.

While there may be some localized pockets of lower values (due to market fluctuations or specific factors), on average homes within this zip code are worth more than other areas within Jefferson County (which includes St Louis). This could be due to a number of factors including:

-The presence of affluent and well-educated residents

- proximity to major metropolitan areas

- low crime rates

- good schools

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