Zip Code:

64735, Clinton, MO

64735 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Clinton and the county of Henry. Its population is roughly 12,954.

Clinton, Missouri Real Estate

Clinton, Missouri is located in the 64735 zip code. The Clinton zip code has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in the Clinton zip code is $51,500. The median home value in the Clinton zip code is $135,000.

The Clinton zip code has a low unemployment rate of 3%. Additionally, the Clinton zip code has a high school graduation rate of 88%. In terms of housing values and home equity, there are many factors that contribute to home prices and home equity in Clinton. Some important factors include:

-The population density in Clinton is lower than average which may lead to less competition for homes for sale

- Clinton has a low percentage of households with children which may lead to more affordable homes

- Clinton also has a low percentage of households with incomes below $50,000 which may lead to more expensive homes due to demand from wealthier buyers

- Clinton's proximity to St Louis (approximately 30 minutes away) may lead some buyers to overpay for homes in order to be close to amenities such as schools and jobs

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