Zip Code:

64801, Joplin, MO

64801 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Joplin and the county of Jasper County. Its population is roughly 37,001.

Real Estate in the 64801 Zip Code of Joplin, MO

The home equity and home prices in the 64801 zip code of Joplin, MO are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $189,900 and the median home equity is $101,000. This is a very high number when compared to other zip codes in Missouri. In fact, only two other Missouri zip codes have a higher median home value and median home equity: 63609 with a median home value of $210,000 and 63801 with a median home value of $206,500.

There are many factors that contribute to the high values in this zip code. First, Joplin is an affluent city with a population of over 50,000 people. Second, there are many luxury homes available in this area which leads to higher values. Third, Joplin has been experiencing strong economic growth over the past few years which has led to increased demand for homes and property. Fourth, Joplin homeowners have been able to benefit from strong housing market trends by taking advantage of low interest rates and increasing prices over the past few years. Fifth, Joplin is located close to major metropolitan areas such as St Louis and Kansas City which makes it an attractive place to live and buy property. Sixth, Joplin homeowners have access to excellent schools and recreational facilities which also contributes to high values in this area.

Price Index: Joplin, MO

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