Zip Code:

64830, Alba, MO

64830 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Alba and the county of Jasper County. Its population is roughly 796.

The Real Estate Market in the 64830 Zip Code of Alba, Missouri

The home equity and home prices in the 64830 zip code of Alba, MO are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $269,900, which is more than double the national median home value of $130,000. The average home value in this zip code has increased by more than $100,000 since 2007. This high level of home values is likely due to the strong economy and low unemployment rate in this area.

There are a number of factors that may be contributing to the high level of home values in this zip code. First, Alba is located in a desirable area with a low unemployment rate. Second, there are a number of luxury homes available for sale in this area, which may be attracting buyers who want to invest in property rather than rent or buy an existing property. Third, the market for homes in this area has been relatively stable over the past few years, which may be helping buyers feel confident about investing in property here. Fourth, Alba has experienced relatively low levels of inflation over the past few years, which may also help keep prices high relative to other areas. Finally, there is limited inventory available for sale in this area – if there were more homes available for sale at lower prices, it might lead to lower levels of house prices overall.

Price Index: Joplin, MO

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