Zip Code:

65065, Osage Beach, MO

65065 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Osage Beach and the county of Camden. Its population is roughly 6,728.

The Real Estate Market in Osage Beach, Missouri

Osage Beach, Missouri is located in the 65065 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Osage Beach has a population of 2,821 people. The median household income in Osage Beach is $60,912 which is significantly higher than the Missouri median household income of $41,994. The average home value in Osage Beach is $224,000 which is also significantly higher than the Missouri average home value of $146,900.

The majority of homes in Osage Beach are owned by individuals or families. There are a few rental properties in the town but they make up a very small percentage of all housing units. This indicates that homeownership is very important to residents of Osage Beach. Homeownership rates are high compared to other areas of Missouri and nationwide. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on “The State Of American Homeownership”, homeownership rates in Osage Beach are above the national average and have been for several years now.

One reason for this high level of homeownership may be the low levels of foreclosure activity in Osage Beach over the past few years. Foreclosure activity has increased nationally over the past few years but it has not increased as much in Osage Beach as it has elsewhere throughout Missouri or nationwide. This indicates that there are relatively strong economic fundamentals supporting homeownership rates in Osage Beach right now.

Another factor that may contribute to high levels of homeownership in Osage Beach is the low level of unemployment here compared to other parts of Missouri or nationwide. The unemployment rate was 5% as recently as November 2014 but it has since decreased slightly to 4%. This indicates that there are plenty of jobs available for residents who want them and that people are confident enough about their economic future to buy homes rather than rent them."

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