Zip Code:

65256, Harrisburg, MO

65256 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Harrisburg and the county of Boone County. Its population is roughly 1,712.

The Real Estate Market in the 65256 Zip Code of Harrisburg, Missouri

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 65256 Zip Code of Harrisburg, MO

The 65256 zip code of Harrisburg, MO has a median home value of $137,000 and a median home equity value of $119,000. These values are higher than the Missouri median home value of $118,500 and the national median home equity value of $130,700. The average home price in this zip code has increased by 9.5% since 2007. This is slower than the Missouri statewide average increase of 12.4% and the national average increase of 11.1%. The percentage increase in home prices in this zip code is lower than the percentage increase for all zip codes in Missouri (10%) and all zip codes nationwide (11%).

The majority (60%) of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied while 40% are rented. This is lower than the statewide percentage (63%) and national percentage (46%). The percentage of homes that are renter-occupied has decreased since 2007 when it was at its highest point at 41%.

There is a high concentration (>75%)of single family homes within this zip code which is higher than both the statewide percentage (64%) and national percentage (54%). There is also a high concentration (>75%)of detached homes within this zip code which is higher than both the statewide percentage (65%) and national percentage (53%).

The average commute time to work for residents within this zip code is 26 minutes which is lower than both the statewide average commute time to work (~30 minutes) and nationally average commute time to work (~29 minutes).

Price Index: Columbia, MO

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