Zip Code:

65707, Miller, MO

65707 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Miller and the county of Lawrence. Its population is roughly 2,230.

Real Estate in the 65707 Zip Code of Miller, MO

The 65707 zip code of Miller, MO has a median home value of $137,500. This is significantly higher than the Missouri median home value of $76,200. The reason for this discrepancy is likely due to the high concentration of wealthy residents in this zip code. In addition, the average commute time to work in this zip code is only 18 minutes, which is much shorter than the Missouri average commute time of 29 minutes. This indicates that people living in this zip code are more likely to be able to afford high-priced homes.

Despite the high home values in this zip code, there have been some recent trends that suggest that prices may be on the decline. For example, there was a sharp increase in home values between 2007 and 2012, but since then prices have gradually decreased. Additionally, there has been an increase in foreclosures and short sales over the past few years, which suggests that some people are not able to afford their homes even though they still owe significant amounts on them. Despite these trends, it is still possible for someone who wants to buy a home in this zip code to do so if they are willing to invest a significant amount of money upfront.

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