Zip Code:

65714, Nixa, MO

65714 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Nixa and the county of Christian County. Its population is roughly 32,932.

Real Estate in the 65714 Zip Code of Nixa, MO

The 65714 zip code of Nixa, Missouri is located in the southwest corner of the state. The zip code covers a total area of 9.1 square miles and has a population of approximately 21,000 people. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, reaching an average price of $165,000 as of September 2016.

The primary drivers behind this increase in home prices are likely attributable to several factors including: low interest rates, strong demand from buyers and sellers, and limited inventory availability. Low interest rates have made it easier for buyers to afford homes and for sellers to sell their homes for a higher price than they would have been able to otherwise. Additionally, strong demand from buyers has led to an increased number of homebuyers entering the market each year, which has driven up prices further. Finally, limited inventory availability has resulted in bidding wars between potential homebuyers and pushed prices up even higher.

Despite these positive trends, there are some risks associated with buying a home in the 65714 zip code that should be considered before making an offer on a property. For example, if you are not able to qualify for a loan due to your credit score or other factors then you may not be able to purchase a home in this area. Additionally, if you are unable to sell your home within a reasonable timeframe then you could face significant losses on your investment. However overall it is clear that home prices in the 65714 zip code are continuing to rise at an impressive rate and those looking to buy or sell should definitely consider this area when doing their research

Price Index: Springfield, MO

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