Zip Code:

66035, Highland, KS

66035 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Highland and the county of Doniphan County. Its population is roughly 1,340.

The Real Estate Market in the 66035 Zip Code of Highland, KS.

Highland, KS 66035 is located in Johnson County and has a population of around 10,000. The median household income in the zip code is $64,000 and the median home value is $183,500. Highland has a relatively low unemployment rate of 3.5% and a high rate of home ownership at 88%.

The average monthly mortgage payment for homes in the 66035 zip code is $1,246 which means that homeowners in this area have an average net worth of $128,000. This net worth increases significantly when considering that the average home value in this area is nearly twice as much as the median household income. In addition to having a high rate of home ownership, Highland also has a high rate of home equity (97%). This means that homeowners have more than enough money to cover any unexpected expenses or repairs on their homes.

One reason why Highland's homeownership rates are so high may be because there are not many opportunities for people to buy homes here. The availability of jobs and housing tends to go hand-in-hand and since Highland does not have many job opportunities outside of its small town atmosphere, it may be difficult for people to find affordable housing outside of Highland. Additionally, since most homes in Highland are owner-occupied rather than rented, it may be difficult for people who do not own their own homes to find an affordable place to live.

Price Index: St. Joseph, MO-KS

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