Zip Code:

66413, Burlingame, KS

66413 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Burlingame and the county of Osage County. Its population is roughly 1,862.

The Real Estate Market in the 66413 Zip Code of Burlingame, KS

The 66413 zip code of Burlingame, KS has a median home value of $527,000 and a median home equity value of $214,000. The average home size in this zip code is 2,814 square feet. The average price per square foot for homes in this zip code is $158. This means that the average home in the 66413 zip code is worth approximately $405 per square foot.

The most common type of housing in the 66413 zip code is single-family detached homes. These homes account for 56% of all housing units in this zip code and have a median value of $529,000. In addition to detached homes, the second most common type of housing in this zip code is multi-unit dwellings (condos/apartments). These units account for 33% of all housing units and have a median value of $272,500. Finally, mobile homes make up 7% of all housing units and have a median value of $102,500.

When it comes to buying a home in the 66413 zip code, buyers should be aware that prices can vary significantly depending on the location within the zipcode. The average price per square foot for homes located within 1 mile from downtown Burlingame is $176 while prices are only worth $146 per square foot when located 10 miles away from downtown Burlingame.

Price Index: Topeka, KS

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