Zip Code:

67441, Enterprise, KS

67441 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Enterprise and the county of Dickinson. Its population is roughly 1,203.

The Real Estate Market in Enterprise, KS

The Enterprise, KS 67441 zip code has a population of around 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years. In March of 2016, the median home price was $155,000. By September of 2017, the median home price had increased to $240,000. This significant increase in home prices has led to an increase in home equity for residents in this zip code. As of September of 2017, the total amount of home equity held by residents in this zip code was $269 million. This represents a growth of 116% over the past three years.

One reason for the increase in home prices and home equity is that Enterprise, KS is a desirable location to live in. The city has a strong economy and there are many job opportunities available. Additionally, Enterprise is located near several major cities such as Wichita and Kansas City which makes it easy for residents to get to their jobs and other activities. Another factor contributing to the increase in home values and equity is that there are relatively few homes available for sale in this zip code compared to other areas of similar size. This means that there is competition among buyers for these homes which drives up prices

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