Zip Code:

67530, Great Bend, KS

67530 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Great Bend and the county of Barton County. Its population is roughly 18,608.

The Real Estate Market in the 67530 Zip Code of Great Bend, KS

The Great Bend, Kansas home equity and home prices are reflective of the national average. In the 67530 zip code, the median home value is $163,900 and the median home equity is $119,000. The national average for these measures is $130,000 and $140,000 respectively. The Great Bend area has seen modest growth in recent years; however, it remains below the national average. This may be due to a number of factors including lower population density and a lack of available land relative to other areas of the country.

Despite this fact, there are still many opportunities available in Great Bend for those looking to purchase or invest in a home. There are plenty of neighborhoods with good schools and access to amenities like shopping and dining. Additionally, homes in this area typically appreciate over time due to their location and quality construction.

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