Zip Code:

67877, Sublette, KS

67877 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Sublette and the county of Haskell. Its population is roughly 2,285.

The Real Estate Market in the 67877 Zip Code of Sublette, KS

The 67877 zip code of Sublette, KS is located in the northeast corner of the state and includes a population of just over 2,000. The median home value in this zip code is $101,500 and the median home equity is $86,000.

Home prices in the 67877 zip code have been on a steady rise for the past few years. In January of 2016, the median home value was $98,500 and by January of 2018 it had increased to $101,500. This increase has been largely due to an influx of new residents into this area as well as an increase in demand for housing within this specific zip code.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to an increase in home values within a given area such as an influx of new residents or an increase in demand from buyers. In the case of Sublette, KS, both factors seem to be at play.

One reason that there has been such a surge in demand for housing within this specific zip code is because it is located close to several major metropolitan areas including Wichita and Kansas City. Additionally, Sublette has seen an influx of new businesses and jobs over recent years which has led to increased demand for housing near these businesses.

While there are many reasons why home values have increased within the 67877 zip code over recent years, it is important to remember that no market can be guaranteed to stay stable forever - even one with strong growth like we've seen in the Sublette area over recent years may eventually experience some slowdown or even decline.

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