Zip Code:

68467, York, NE

68467 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of York and the county of York. Its population is roughly 9,400.

Real Estate in the 68467 Zip Code of York, NE

The 68467 zip code of York, Nebraska is located in the northeast corner of the state and has a population of just over 20,000. The median household income in this zip code is just over $60,000, which is considerably higher than the statewide median income of $50,502. However, despite this high median income level, home prices in this zip code are significantly lower than home prices statewide. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent analysis of home values in Nebraska’s 68467 zip code, the average home value in this area is only $142,600 – which is about 30% lower than the statewide average home value of $248,500.

One reason why home prices in York are so low compared to other parts of Nebraska may be because there are relatively few homes available for sale in this area. According to Zillow’s latest data (which was collected as of March 2018), only 2 out of every 100 homes that are currently for sale in York are priced above $200,000 – which is much lower than the statewide average ratio of 4 out of every 100 homes that are priced above $200,000. Additionally, although there are a few larger homes available for sale within York – such as a 3-bedroom house that is listed for sale at an asking price of $269,900 – most homes that are currently for sale here are smaller and more affordable options.

Despite these factors – including the limited number and variety of homes available for purchase and low prices overall – it appears that homeownership rates in York remain high relative to other parts of Nebraska. As Of March 2018 Zillow reported that 74%of households living in 68467 zip code were owner-occupied vs 25% who were renters - which was much higher than both the statewide homeowner rate (which was 62%) and rental rate (which was 27%). This strong homeownership rate may be due to several factors: firstly, many people who live in York may have been born and raised here; secondly many people here may have access to good credit or enough money saved up to buy a house; and finally/perhaps most importantly/home values here tend to be relatively low compared to other parts of Nebraska - making buying a house an affordable option even for those who don't have excellent credit or plenty saved up on hand.

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